Fight Club represents one of the best movies released in the 90s, and its legacy can still be observed today. It is often difficult to find a movie that is so packed with great lessons and characters, influencing generations on top of generations.
This movie is not only still representative for today but more. The creation of Chuck Palahniuk almost inspired a cult-like lifestyle for some people. Touching subjects like purpose, meaning and an appropriate lifestyle, Fight Club is a great source of wisdom. In this article, we will cover some of the most important Fight Club Lifestyle Lessons that anybody can pick up.
Possessions Don’t Matter
The main theme of the movie relies on heavy mainstream and consumerism criticism. Some of the movie’s best lines are focused on these subjects. One of the main lessons we can take form Fight Club is centered around the fact that consumerism doesn’t matter. The things we own don’t matter as much, they don’t define who we are.

The things you own end up owning you. It’s only after you lose everything that you’re free to do anything.
Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club
In a society where everybody’s pursuing vain ideals like owning a new phone, a new car, a new bling-bling, Fight Club aims to destroy that whole ideal. Instead of focusing on owning more, focus on living a more fulfilling life.
Too many people associate themselves with their meaningless possessions. You are not the things you own, nor your social status. You need to ditch those meaningless pursuits and focus on something deeper.
Risk More
Another one of this movie’s essential themes is focused on taking risks. This idea is portrayed through the main character referred to as “Jack.” This character lives a risk-free life. He has a nice apartment, great furniture, and a safe job. But, he also has no risk in his life.
I don’t want to die without any scars.
Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club
Jack ended up creating a separate identity to escape his lifestyle. Tyler Durden represents the version of a man he wants to become but can’t. He created Tyler to free himself. After following Tyler’s philosophy, Jack becomes a totally new, and improve human. He stopped living reactively and, started living actively.

Jack only managed to change his lifestyle because he started entertaining the idea of taking risks. People like avoiding risk-taking because feeling safe is nice. However, risk is an intrinsic part of growth. They don’t go one without the other.
Fight Club is one of the best movies in cinema history. Although this movie resonates with men to a greater degree, the Fight Club Lifestyle Lessons mentioned above can be applied regardless of your gender. As Jack experienced, change takes effort, and sometimes a lot.