Books are a great source of knowledge and wisdom. Some of the greatest minds that ever lived on this planet published their thoughts in books. Although we can’t reach those people in any other way, we still have access to their writings, being able to learn from them this way.
Most of us are well aware of the benefits that come with reading, and the impact of books on our evolution. However, procrastination still kicks in, making it more difficult to read regularly. In this article, we’ll showcase a handful of tips that will help you read more books throughout the rest of 2019.
Read the Right Books
Nowadays we have access to millions of quality books, something for every taste. Although that’s true, we’re experiencing an ever-increasing lack of reading motivation never seen before. This lack of desire for reading can be related to a large number of factors present in our daily lives.
For once, we have to take into consideration the people’s inclination towards instant gratification. Reading can often prove to be boring so we tend to access the other more entertaining alternatives. We’re bombarded with information from TV, social media, YouTube, and it is taking all of our attention away.

Instead of people reading more books, they spend more time on the internet, browsing mindlessly. This happens because of instant gratification and the fact that the internet is easy, unlike books. However, by reading the right books for you, you can make the whole process more desirable, motivating yourself to read more often.
You should have a nice balance between the books you know you should read, and the books you want to read. If you like novels, feel free to read more of them, instead of watching a movie. However, don’t forget about the practical books since they will have a greater impact on your life.
Commit Every Day
When it comes not only reading but any other habit, people are facing huge commitment issues. You need to turn reading into a regular habit, and to truly commit to it. It’s often a difficult process but, it gets easier over time.
Instead of checking out the news or watching stuff on the internet, pick up a book. Try to replace at least 30 minutes of your online time with reading. This way, you will be able to easily read another 10 books each year, with a simple 30 minutes a day.

But make sure you do it every day, otherwise, you will quickly give up. Even if it might be difficult sometimes because of our hectic lifestyles, you can still catch up over the weekend. To reach your goal of 30 minutes a day, you only have to read for 3 hours and a half each week. You can do that in a single Sunday afternoon.
Reading is an activity that far more people should practice on a regular basis. Due to our busy lifestyles, it’s often hard to have the discipline to sit down and read more often. However, by reading the books you like, and doing it every day, you can surely read more books in 2019 and beyond, greatly improving your life.