Game of Thrones is one of the most popular TV Series in the world, each episode being watched by millions. The show’s been running for 10 years, building up to this moment, to the end. However, as expected as this episode was, we’ve witnessed a Game of Thrones Finale bad ratings epidemic.
As we mentioned in our “The Bells” article, this last season is not that bad actually but, it received the worst ratings in GoT history. The finale of the show is the worst-rated episode in the show’s history with a 4.3 IMDb rating. But, still, the finale of the show was not as bad as people say.
There’s No Ideal Ending
When you’re building such a complex show with dozens of individual moving parts, plots and complex characters, it is impossible to create an ending that can satisfy everybody. Each viewer is rooting for a specific character, hoping that his pick is going to win the throne.
The mainstream of GoT viewers were hoping for a happy ending in which Jon Snow will end up ruling the Seven Kingdoms together with Daenerys Targaryen and live happily ever after. But, Game of Thrones is not that kind of show, the producers are not willing to please the masses in the detriment of a more authentic finale.

Indeed, the last season of the show was too short to comprehend all of the plot lines from the series. It’s hard to defeat three evils in a single, 6-episode season. For such a development, at least one more season was needed to make the show feel more natural.
The finale had a rather slower pace, making you feel slightly bored or frustrated sometimes. However, it was a satisfying ending, closing a large number of plots and setting up peace again in Westeros.
More Surprises
If there’s one thing we can say, GoT viewers don’t enjoy surprises that much, especially when they are not as pleasant. Although the last episode wasn’t packed with surprises, it still had a handful of unexpected turnarounds.
Regarding the relationship between Jon and Danny, and the ruling of the kingdoms, there were only so few possible scenarios that everybody was expecting. In reality, people were expecting Danny to die, although a hard to swallow pill for hardcore fans.
The outcome of the episode, even if rather unexpected and not the fan-favorite, is pretty satisfying. After killing Daenerys, the fans were expecting Jon to become the king since he was “the rightful heir.” However, the fact that he was outcasted at The Night’s Watch was a pretty big hit for some people.

Jon was never meant to be king since he was always pursuing other ideas, finding joy in the small things. He always found joy as part of The Night’s Watch, and the fact that he went beyond the wall with the Free Folk is a true statement to his values.
Nobody was expecting Bran the Broken to become king either but, due to his knowledge, he is the most suited one. Considering his unattachment to the throne, we can very well say in fact that Tyrion is the king since he’s the one taking all of the decisions.
Regarding Sansa and Arya, both of them received what they were looking for, one the throne, and the other one peace and freedom.
Although this Game of Thrones Finale bad ratings epidemic might be based on something true, the last episode of the show is not as bad as people are saying. Maybe not the ending people were expecting, and maybe not even an ending that the show was deserving but, an overall satisfying turn of events.