Lessons from Think and Grow Rich

3 Life Lessons from Think and Grow Rich

Think and Grow Rich is another fundamental book, similar in many ways to The Richest Man in Babylon. Slightly more advanced than Clason’s book, this masterpiece from Napoleon Hill should be present in anybody’s bookshelf. We can take many Lessons from Think and Grow Rich but we will only focus on the three most important ones in this article.

Everything Starts with a Thought

As showcased by Napolen Hill in his book, every material thing starts with a thought. You can’t accomplish something grand without thinking about it first. At first there was an idea, a plan followed and only at last those thoughts manifested into reality.

Before doing anything, you first have to think about your reality. You need to create specific goals, desires and plans before taking action. You need to be as clear as possible about each and every one of them. This will give you a specific target to follow.

Get specific! If your goal is very vague, such as I want more money, or I want to lose weight, then you will never accomplish it. Any gain would be enough for you. However, if you have a specific figure in your mind, only accomplishing it will get you satisfaction.

Without thinking about your future first, all of your actions will be without a purpose. Without a clear and concise target, you will only end up settling for anything, and that anything might not be as satisfying in the long run. So, figure out your values and desires and setup specific goals. Think before acting.


Although defined differently in the book, obsession or desire plays an intrinsic role in the process of accomplishing your goals. You need to desire something enough that you actually take the necessary action. Without that intrinsic drive, you will only end up giving up after the first obstacle.

You need to be obsessed enough about your goals that you’re willing to tear down any excuses that might stay between you and your future self. Excuses are the most crippling thing, and an immense wall between you and success. Only by setting up goals that inspire you and committing to the process with obsessions you will be able to take the needed action to succeed.


Although Napoleon Hill mostly focuses on the psychological side of success in his book, action represents the last and one of the most important factors to success. You can set up all of the goals you need, think about them day in and out, they are all useless without action.

Action is one of the last parts of the success process. Without it, all of the preparations are in vain. If you think about your goals, and have the needed desire you’re more likely to achecive your goals. However, you need to make the first step and act your thoughts out.


The wisdom spread by Napoleon Hill throughout his book has the potential to make a significant impact over anyone’s life. The three life lessons from Think and Grow Rich must be understood by anybody desireing success and greatenes.

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