The 5 Must-Watch Finance Movies

The 5 Must-Watch Finance Movies

Many people would argue that in order to gain knowledge about a field you must read lots of books and interact with professionals. But, truth to be told, wisdom comes from everything, and in today’s age, some movies have the potential to be a great educational resource.

The best part about such movies is that they allow you to learn certain information in an entirely entertaining way. Because of that, we prepared a list with our top 5 favorite finance movies that we urge you to watch.

Wall Street

One of the top finance movies that every human who has even a slight passion for business must watch, is the classic Wall Street movie from 1987, directed by Oliver Stone.

Money never sleeps, pal.

The movie is a great reflection of what the finance world was at some point, and what it can become once again if not regulated correctly. Touching topics such as insider trading, greed, and money abundance, the movie is still relevant even 30 years later.

Boiler Room

Even if many movies like to approach the finance world from the highest levels possible, Ben Younger, the director, has a different approach, trying to shine a light on the lowest level, the pump and dump schemes. Boiler Room is acting as a warning for the inexperienced and utterly excited traders since the pump and dump schemes are still a reality today, and their outcome is way too often horrible.

The Wolf of Wall Street

The Wolf of Wall Street is a movie about a lot more than just partying, pretty girls, and ludes since it is based on real events, and the lessons that can be taken out of this piece of art created by Scorsese are as real as they can get.

The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it.

The movie showcases the worst part of Wall Street, capturing the rise and fall of Jordan Belfort, and all of the frauds he performed as head of Stratton Oakmont.

The Big Short

The Big Short is another movie with a story and lessons as real as they can get since it was based on the financial crisis from 2007-2008, and the enormous housing bubble from that time. We covered this movie in an in-depth article, Essential Lessons From The Big Short, that you can read on our website.

Margin Call

One of the most financially accurate movies ever created, Margin Call shines a light on the real Wall Street lifestyle by capturing 24 hours out of the life of a firm on the brink of failure. The movie illustrates in an authentic manner the kind of risks banks are willing to take in an ever-expanding financial market.


These movies are only a handful that we picked out of the big bunch of financial cinematographic masterpieces created over the last couple of decades. Wisdom, indeed, comes in all kind of ways, and the movies featured above are just another example of that.

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