In our current society fueled by consumerism and materialism, learning personal finance is a key step if you want to live a better life. Without understanding and applying a couple of basic concepts into your day-to-day life, you’re set to fail before even starting. For that reason, you have to start reading a couple of finance books for beginners.
Before understanding more complex terms and strategies, you need to internalize the simplest of the concepts. You can do that by reading the following three masterpieces.

The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason
This book represents the first thing you should pick up if you want to be more wealthy. Do it before reading anything that’s more complex and economically focused. You must read and re-read this book until you hammer home all of its concepts. This will enable you to comprehend the world of personal finance and make better decisions.
This book is showcasing a large number of basic finance principles such as saving up 10% each month. Basic investment advice like choosing your investments correctly is also explained in the book. This fundamental book will allow you to have a blueprint for the future.
There are a couple of fundamental lessons from The Richest Man in Babylon that you should check out in an in-depth manner.

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
Rich Dad Poor Dad, written by the legendary investor Robert Kiyosaki constitutes a book that should be at the base of anyone’s bookshelf. Although more complex than the principles showcased in The Richest Man in Babylon, Kiyosaki’s book is fundamental.
Kiyosaki is criticizing the way people are living. He considers that most of them are in a “rat race.” This race keeps people trapped, and away from a more fulfilling life. He considers that the only way of escaping the rat race is by making the money work for you.
You can accomplish such a thing only by quitting your day-to-day job and start investing to earn passive income. The Rich Dad Poor Dad book lessons are countless, you can only understand them by studying Kiyosaki’s work deeper.

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Different from the other two books mentioned above, Think and Grow Rich focuses more on the psychology behind success. Covering matters such as imagination, planning, determination and, in the end, action, Napoleon Hill’s creation is fundamental.
The book is slightly more complex. You first need to understand principles such as the ones laid down in the above books. But, once you do that, you can tap into the full potential this book has. The lessons from Think and Grow Rich are priceless, and a must for everybody to understand.
Personal finance is located at the base of everybody’s success. Its presence or absence can make or break your wallet. For that reason, reading the finance books for beginners mentioned above is something that everybody should do.