So far, the two parts we released out of this mini-series “The Best Business Books of 2018” were a total success since they allowed us to explore some quality books. Because we can’t cover all of 2018’s successes in only two articles, here’s a third one to showcase even more masterpieces.
Without any further ado, here are our last business books picks of 2018.

Leaders by Stanley McChrystal
Stanley McChrystal is a retired US Army general that served his country for many years, managing his soldiers in the best possible way. He became a four-star general because of his great performance in the War in Afghanistan, where he was leading America’s Joint Special Operations Command.
Because of his army years, McChrystal managed to build a great discipline, and become an influential leader. Since his retirement in 2010, McChrystal had plenty of time to analyze his past, and come up with this empowering book. Thanks to his experience, McChrystal is able to examine the leadership of huge brands and draw a definitive line when it comes to what works in leadership.
His proven expertise and the insightful personal stories that McChrystal is sharing are making this book a viable source of wisdom for anybody that wants to become a better leader.

The Job by Ellen Ruppel Shell
The journalist Ellen Ruppel Shell has put together an insightful book, shining a light on the latest changes happening in the workplace through extensive research and reporting.
Based on research, she concludes that it can often be rather dangerous to find too much meaning and purpose in your work. For people falling under that category, losing the ability to perform that work might result in a loss of identity.
Moreover, she considers that advanced education is not directly the cause of a higher income. Many people managed to notice this considering that the high college tuitions only result in huge student debts, with no job opportunities on the table. Now we have all of these claims backed by throughout research.
“The Job” is an insightful book, taking a deep look at current political and socioeconomic trends, allowing people to make better decisions regarding their careers.

Powerful by Patty McCord
Patty McCord is a human resources consultant and executive that has worked at Netflix for 14 years as the chief talent officer. McCord together with Reed Hastings, the CEO of Netflix, built the whole culture of the company.
In her book, McCord shares the lessons that she picked up while working with people and numerous employees over at Netflix. Her conclusions can be used by any manager to great a more productive and overall healthier company culture.
She helped to create a healthy culture at Netflix where employees are encouraged to interact with other companies, and managers are encouraged to fire the non-performers. McCord ended up being the product of the culture she created since she was let go from Netflix back in 2013.
The three books mentioned above are our latest addition to our extensive “The Best Business Books of 2018” list. The lessons that can be picked from these business masterpieces can help you shape your work life and future.
We also highly advise you to check out our Part 1 and Part 2 from this book list and to read some of the more in-depth analyses on some of the books from our list.